With Loudspeek together with NationBuilder, your campaign just got a lot stronger.


Trusted by

People's Vote campaign
Stonewall Equality
European Movement
Labour for a Public Vote

Representative contact forms

Get your supporters in touch with their UK representatives, whether they be Members of Parliament in Westminster, the Scottish Parliament, the Welsh Assembly or any other targets that you decide. Embed a form in your website through which your supporters can easily and quickly send a customisable message to their representatives.


Showcase the strength of feeling on your campaign's key issues with our petition software. Quick and easy to use, Loudspeek petitions let you bring in many supporters into your database at a low cost per conversion, whilst also giving your campaign the numbers it needs to succeed for your lobbying.

Data synchronisation

Loudspeek takes care of updating your supporter database with the details of the supporters who take your actions. Petition signatures and letter-writers will automatically make their way into your NationBuilder supporter database, tagged and associated with the form from which they came.

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